Every day, millions of Americans brush their teeth and floss to keep their smile healthy and happy. But did you know that drinking water is another important element of caring for your oral health? This week, May 6-12, is Drinking Water Week, and we’re urging our patients to rethink hydration! Since studies show that up to 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, we’re breaking down six ways that water can improve your smile and make you your healthiest self.
Drinking water can remineralize your enamel, strengthening teeth. Plus, the more water you drink, the more sugars are washed away—preventing bacteria from feeding on leftover sugars in the mouth and producing more enamel-damaging acid.
Though many delicious foods and drinks are colorful, someoptions like berries, candy, or coffee can lead to tooth staining. By swishing with water,you can often reduce the impact of staining, rinsing away lingering particles on your teeth and promoting a bright smile.
Often times, bad breath is caused by dehydration or remnants of pungent foods you ate throughout the day. While plenty of products, like gum or mouthwash, claim to eliminate bad breath, many fail to address the underlying problems. They simply mask odors rather than address their cause.To keep your mouth clean and fresh,wash away odor-causing bacteria by drinking water and staying hydrated.
One potential cause of dry mouth is dehydration. Dry mouth is a condition that causes your mouth to produce less saliva than it should. Because saliva protects you from tooth decay by neutralizing acids in the mouth, decreased saliva production can be detrimental to your oral health.
Our pH levels ofour mouths can tell us a lot about our oral health. While a neutral pH level is 7.0, acidic foods and beverages, like soda or fruit, can shift that level off balance, contributing to acid in the mouth and enamel erosion.
Water does more than just quench your thirst; it also keeps your tissues and joints healthy, aids in digestion, and regulates your body temperature. Because oral health and whole-body wellness are interconnected, it’s important to stay hydrated to boost your smile and your health. Your body will thank you!